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Jak nadać statyczny adres IP dla urządzenia?
Resetujemy prądowo urządzenie (lub klikamy kilkukrotnie w datę na ekranie, jeżeli jest wyświetl...
Jak dodać urządzenie do serwera? (SaS)
Resetujemy prądowo urządzenie (lub klikamy kilkukrotnie w datę na ekranie, jeżeli jest wyświetl...
Podłączanie zestawu windowego
Poniżej zdjęcie poglądowe jak podłączyć zestaw windowy Po prawidłowym podłączeniu zestawu, dio...
Logowanie użytkownika z poziomu panelu LOBO
Z poziomu panelu LOBO można potwierdzać przybycie do zasobu, tworzyć, usuwać oraz modyfikować rez...
Jak dodać urządzenie do serwera?
Resetujemy prądowo urządzenie (lub klikamy kilkukrotnie w datę na ekranie, jeżeli jest wyświetl...
Booting from SD card
1. Download OS image Go to and download OS Image (Debian 11). Extract content of th...
I would like to create SSH connection with newly purchased URVE board PI. What is the root password for the initial connection
Default credentials: Login: linaro Password: linaro
GPIO python examples
Project configuration Give access to gpio chmod 777 -R /sys/class/gpio Install prerequisite pack...
How do I reinstall/reflash the operating system?
Prerequisites USB A <-> USB A cable (plug it to middle top USB port) Download tools and prope...
How to manage users in management portal (WebManager)
How to add user 1. Go to "Settings" -> "Permissions" 2. In top right corner click "Actions" and ...
Is it possible to connect (via LVDS) cameras dedicated to Raspberry Pi, such as HD F Night Vision OV5647 5Mpx - IR camera?
There is certainly a possibility, but we don't know how much work is required for such a scenario...
Home Assistant
Installation steps on SD Card Currently it is possible to install home assistant on sd card due t...
CAN Communication
A good example demonstrating the CAN communication between two URVEBoard A18i and A18PRO requires...
Activating OTG Mode
By default, URVEPi operates all four USB ports in host mode. To switch the top-middle port to OTG...
Debian 11 Autostart
To make a program or script run automatically when the Debian 11 operating system starts up, you ...
Connecting to URVEPi Debug UART
To use the Debug UART, you will need a UART-to-USB adapter, which will allow you to connect the U...
URVEPi Hardware Benchmark
URVEPi eMMC/USB2/USB3 URVEPi is a competitive single-board computer that boasts impressive perfor...
How to use I2C
PCF8574T with 1602A display As an example we will use PCF8574T with 1602A display. We need to con...
URVEPi Compatible Shields
Raspbery Pi PoE HAT Raspbery Pi PoE HAT works out of the box. However, it requires 16mm standoffs...
How to use SDL2 on URVEPi
sudo apt-get install -y libsdl2-dev build-essential nano nano sdltest.c #include <SDL2/SDL.h> ...